Amphibia Games

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What are Amphibia Games?

Anne Boonchuy is the main character of the famous cartoons published by Disney XD in which our main character is transported to a new world, the Amphibian world a completely different world from ours, full of fools and various dangerous creatures. Sprig Plantar is the rescue of our 13-year-old boy, who turns out to be a friendly frog with whom Anne begins her famous adventure in the world of Amphibia. The two friends decide to leave Wartwood to reach the distant city of Newtopia, and on their journey, they will encounter a lot of new, dangerous creatures that they will try to avoid, but also make new friends, who will be with them until the last day of this journey.

Marcy Wu is a 13-year-old girl who wants to help Amphibia Boy and Sasha. She manages to find Clamity Box, the object that makes it possible to transfer our characters to the world of Amphibia. She is dressed like a fighter, with dark overalls, a bow with arrows on her right hand, a short tunic just like the boys, and a purse in which she keeps her most important things.
Sasha Waybright is a 13-year-old girl who we consider an anti-heroine because she always tries to open contradictory discussions and create conflict situations every day.
Ivy Sundew is a funny character who makes those present in the drawing feel good. This is a combination of a boy and a frog, yellow in color, and wearing a hat on his head.
Sprig Plantar is a 10-year-old frog, a friend of humans, and Anne Boonchuy, and she is notable for her pink skin, a pilot's hat on her head, and a green vest on her body.

We will try to add as many games as we can in this special category with Amphibia Games, but if you can recommend us some new games which are not published here, please don't hesitate.