Cat Freddy, also known as Cat Fred Evil Pet, is one of the best new interactive horror survival and adventure games online! Face your fears now!
During the day, Freddy is a normal cat whom you pet, feed, and play with. During the night, it remembers it comes from Granny's home, and it turns into a monster!
Choose a difficulty level, and then start off with Night 1. Survive until the morning as you explore the house and run or hide away from the cat!
You will move around using WASD. To interact with items and characters, use E or the Mouse. Press B to throw items, and R to exit hiding places.
Find items to add to your inventory/backpack and use them to craft other items. We're talking mostly weapons or items to open doors and fixtures from the house.
For example, you can hide inside of a closet if you hear the cat monster approaching. Or, hide underneath a table!
When you use E/Mouse to interact with items, furniture, or fixtures, the game will give you hints about their accessibility and their usage.
How to play?
Use WASD, E, Mouse, Space.
Game Walkthrough
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