MMA Manager 2
MMA Manager 2: Ultimate Fight is available for free on our website, on browsers, with no download required. Lead the mixed-martial arts world!
How to play MMA Manager 2 Online
- Use the mouse on computers, and touch controls on mobile devices. Interact with the menus and fixtures to make your choices.
As a talent manager for fighters in mixed-martial-arts competitions, you can either recruit your first fighter from the available ones, or create your own character.
To customize your own MMA fighter, use these criteria:
- weight class;
- skin type;
- name;
- hometown;
- country of origin;
Very important to know, you also need to select the fight style background of your fighter, as it determines basic skills, and it will be his best style to use in combat.
Grow your fighter!
Now that you've acquired your first talent, let's put them through the wringer to make them come out as world champions by the end of the game. Can you lead their way?
Step One is and always should be going to the gym, where you train their stamina, strength, speed, and fighting skills, preparing them for upcoming fights.
Only after training, you should put your fighters in competitions. Start off with low-stakes matches, and then gradually advance through the rankings!
After fighting matches, whether you win or not, you grow in experience, and level up, but make sure not to to forget about training sessions!
You can also make physical and design changes to your fighters, whom you can customize to look like your imagination tells you!
Win the MMA fights!
Put your fighters in matches, and have them simulated in front of you. Make the right choices in training, fighting style, and strategy, so that you win the battles!
Grow your management!
Winning comes along with monetary rewards. Use the prize money you get to enhance your fighters, recruit new ones and grow your client list, and make upgrades to the gym you own, as well as other facilities that makes your clients better.
Design your gym!
Take the money that you earn and invest in gym equipment, physical trainers, strategists, trainers in all the fighting styles, and anything else that a fighter would need to grow into their best versions.
Master all the fighting styles!
In Mixed-Martial-Arts, fighters can use a combination of fighting styles in the same octagon where the battle takes place, so train your fighters to know how to use all of them:
- Wrestling;
- Taekwondo;
- Muay Thai (Elbows & Knees);
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu;
Each style has its strengths and weaknesses, but a well-balanced fighter can utilize all of them to take down their opponents. Create that fighter, and lead them to the rank of World Champion!
Benefits of the game:
- sports management games improve decision-making skills;
- manager simulator games make players smarter;
- management games online improve work ethic, resilience, diligence, and give you motivation to succeed;
How to play?
Use the mouse.
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