Equestria Team Graduation
Play Equestria Team Graduation to dress up Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash in celebration of finishing college!
Dress up the Equestria Team for Graduation!
To dress up each Equestria Girl you will use the panel on their left from where you can mix and match the following:
- hairstyles, of which you can even change the color of
- dresses
- tops and bottoms like t-shirts skirts, jeans, or blouses
- a graduation gown over the outfit
- a graduation cap on their heads
- shoes and boots to go with the outfit and style
- accessories like glasses, phones, earrings, necklaces, or bow ties
While the dress-up gameplay remains the same from girl to girl, their wardrobes change, so you can try out lots of fun styles and combos!
Benefits of the game:
- you get fashion inspiration;
- dress up games improve the personal style of those who play them;
How to play?
Use the mouse.
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