Friday Night Funkin’ Mime and Dash
In the FNF Mime and Dash mod of our website BF will now face off against two mimes called Bon Bon and Chu Chu, and we're sure that you will really love this one-song demo mod right now!
It's time to Mime and Dash in FNF!
When you see floating arrow symbols match above BF's head you need to press the identical arrow keys to hit your notes, doing it until the song ends to win, but be careful not to miss hitting the notes too many times in a row, because if that happens you lose instead. Good luck, enjoy!
Mod Credits:
- Masked– Director
- Dragon Rex co director & background artist
- Gerardo: Cycle & 99 animators & sprite artist
- Springy Charter
- Bitfox composer & Cherlok Music Helper
- Mele logo artist
- Niz coder
- Download from GJ
Original Credits:
- ninjamuffin99
- PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
- Kawai Sprite
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
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