Imagine Artist

Imagine Artist

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Imagine Artist
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Imagine Artist Overview


Imagine being an Artist! Well, is it nice? Well, you can make it a reality right now with one of our best coloring games online! It's got coloring, drawing, and decoration elements all into one. Ubisoft created the game with the next generation of graphic artists in mind! Let's make it happen!

Be the most creative Imagine Artist online!

In the Free Play mode, color and paint at your will! Choose one of the backgrounds, like the beach, the forest, or the city. You can then use the brush and the colors available to paint the scene however you wish to. It's the free mode, so paint however your imagination says. Even make the water red, if you wish!

For the Challenge mode, you learn how to be an artist from your new teacher. For example, we will mix colors to paint a flower. We've got no purple, but we need it. Take red and blue and put them in the mixer to create purple.

You then take purple from the mixer and put it over the flower petals. In the center of it, simply click on yellow, and then paint it. Continue with a car, and other drawings. Learn how to make colors, and then use them!

The more you play, the bigger artist you will become! Isn't that your dream? Let's make it a reality!

How to play?

Use the mouse.

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