Sonic Funk Festival vs Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic Funk Festival vs Sonic The Hedgehog

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Sonic Funk Festival vs Sonic The Hedgehog
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Sonic Funk Festival vs Sonic The Hedgehog Overview


Let's go to the Sonic Funk Festival of FNF and help BF defeat his blue antagonist, the classic Sonic the Hedgehog, something that you now have the chance of doing on two brand new songs:

  • City
  • RoofTop-Rush (Freeplay)

Have fun with Sonic and BF at the Funk Festival!

Whether you are playing in the story mode or free play mode, to win you need to reach the end of the songs, and to do that you need to hit your notes according to the charts, without missing too many notes in a row, because if that happens, you lose.

So, when you see arrow symbols float and match above BF's head, at the same moment you need to press the identical arrow keys to hit your notes, not too soon, too late, or pressing the wrong key. Good luck and all the best we wish you all!

Mod Credits:
Original Credits:
  • ninjamuffin99
  • PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
  • Kawai Sprite

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

How to play?

Use the arrow keys.

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