Farmyard Fun is a new game based around the new Looney Tunes Cartoons show airing on Boomerang/Cartoon Network, and it features two of the most popular characters in the franchise's history, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, who really feel at home at a farm, which is why they will now have so much fun together with you at it!
At Granny's Farm together with the two characters, the duck and the pig, you will do many fun things together, such as answer questions, plant vegetables by picking the right veggie to go into the order and complete it, and many more fun things like that, with the game having a total of ten tasks for you to perform, one better than the other!
Make sure to tell all your friends about this wonderful game as well, and invite them to our website for more fun to come as only here is possible!
How to play?
Use the mouse.
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