Navi Maker is only one of the first Avatar: Way of the Water Games online that we are extremely happy to share with you all on our website today for free, as we know that this movie has taken the world of moviegoing by storm, and if you ever dreamt about how you would look like if you were one of these alien creatures, this game allows you to find out by creating your own character!
Start off by choosing if you want to make your Avatar a Male or a Female, the choice is fully yours. After that, use the panel on the left to pick its hairstyle, as well as the shape of the face, eyes, nose, or mouth, and then continue by dressing it up with the clothes, shoes, and accessories that are traditional to the planet of Pandora, where the movie takes place.
As mentioned earlier, all these decisions are up to you, so you get to create your own avatar however your imagination dictates, something we invite you to do right now, and see for yourself how awesome this new addition to our website is!
How to play?
Use the mouse.
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