Episode 38 of the Baby Cathy Games series has just dropped on our website, where this character you already know introduces her to her brother, who is younger and smaller than her, so when their parents are out in town, she becomes her caretaker. She is still a baby as well, so she hopes that you are here to play this baby-caring game online and help her out, which is great training for girls who want to be mothers one day, or if you just want to be a babysitter for one day, online!
In the first level, crawl around with the baby by holding the mouse and dragging it in the direction you want to go, having his playroom set out as a maze made of pillows, where you need to collect all the letters that form the word of his name: B-R-O-T-H-E-R. Play with the basketball, with the pinwheels, play around at the little piano, or drink some milk for more energy as you proceed!
Play catch with him next, dragging the cart on the track right and left so that in it you catch the balls that brother throws towards you until you fill-up the progress bar, and if you catch 3 in a row, you win an achievement for it.
After so much playing, he is dirty, so wipe him with a towel first, change his dirty diaper, and put him in the bath with his sister, where you wash them with water and soap, and then dry them up with a towel, for the final stage to dress the baby up!
Do so using the cute little caps, mix and match the colorful pants and t-shirts, and choose the perfect shoes to go with everything else you've already picked. Dress up the sister too, where you also get bow ties for her hair or flower crowns, and hairstyles, and the pants are replaced by skirts.
Let's start right now, be the best babysitter ever, and when the parents come home, they will be very happy with how happy you've made your brother!
How to play?
Use the mouse.
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