Touhou Mod Pack is the new FNF game in which you will have to start dancing against three very experienced Chinese dancers.
As you can see, you will only have three full weeks in the game, so the game will be updated soon when the other 4 weeks will be ready.
Each week can be put on: easy, normal, hard;
Tracks: Candid-Friend, Sentence-of-death, Majorobagraphie
Tracks: The-Maid, Luna-Clock, Night-of-Nights
Tracks: Scarlet-syndrome, Hedonism, Frightfully-Insane
Voice: Suika’s Voice by Possessed by Phoenix
Programming by ninjamuffin99
Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
Music by Kawai Sprite
Mod by Phykro
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
use the arrows to dance and the ESC to menu.
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