Crossovers between the Touhou Anime Project and Friday Night Funkin' Games have existed before on our website, and that mod was quite well received since it replaced the antagonists with anime girls, which is always really awesome, but this time you're about to have an even better experience, and this is because not only do you duel anime girls, but you do it on multiple original new songs:
Well, if you think you are ready, then pick between the easy mode and free play mode, and then give it your very best to hit all the notes of the songs accordingly, until you reach their end, and then, if the progress bar is in your favor, you've won.
When you see arrow symbols matching above BF's head, press the same arrows on your keyboard, and make sure to do it at the same time. Don't mess up the timing too many times in a row, or you lose and have to start again from scratch. Good luck!
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
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