#Cute Animal Makeover Transformation
In #Cute Animal Makeover Transformation you are going to perform exactly what the title says, and that transforms three princesses from Disney, meaning Elsa, Snow White, and Rapunzel, into animals, but not literally, as your goal is to change their look into one that resembles their favorite animals, using makeup and clothing.
Do a #Cute Animal Makeover Transformation for the princesses!
A unicorn, a fox, and a deer are the three animals you transform them into. For the makeup stages use eye-shadow, eye-liner, blush, lipstick, contact lenses, or even fake lashes, having plenty of options available for each.
You then have hairstyles, tops, bottoms, dresses, and accessories to choose from, so mix and match the items in the wardrobe until the princesses look like the animals they dream of becoming. It's that simple, so play right now!
How to play?
Use the mouse.
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