Friday Night Funkmon – Pokemon FNF Mod
Friday Night Funkmon is a new FNF x Pokemon mod we are delighted to share with you for free on our wesite right now, as we're talking about a game where BF has been turned into a pocket monster himself, and he is now going to have battles against other ones, but with music, on the following songs:
- Encounter
- Level Up
- Gambit
- Folklore
- Closed Heart
- AntiCheat
Try the new Friday Night Funkmon mod right now and here!
Whether you choose to play in the story mode or free play mode, you win in the same way in both cases, by reaching the end of the songs, something that is done by hitting your notes according to the charts until those points.
So, when you see floating arrow symbols match above BF, press the identical arrow keys. Make sure not to miss your notes too many times in a row, if your health bar depletes, you lose. Good luck, enjoy!
Mod Credits:
- Artist and Animator
- aChanneliGuess: Responsible for all the art and basically the mod’s existance, lol
- Musicians
- iMatsuzaka Satou: Creator of Encounter and Level Up
- ardaerenn: Creator of Closed Heart
- FaDe AWAY: Creator of Anticheat and Folklore
- Olimac31: Creator of Struggle
- Chromatics
- Cyan: Creator of the Mew chromatics
- FNF Renderite: Where the Eevee chromatics come
- Hypno’s Lullaby: Where the GF chromatics come
- Download from GB
Original Credits:
- ninjamuffin99
- PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
- Kawai Sprite
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
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