Simons Lab

Simons Lab

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Simons Lab
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Simons Lab Overview


Simon's Lab is a special game which requires a little logical thinking and of course, a well established strategy, which could easily lead our little square, which is also the main character from this game, to the end of every single level. There are two gates, which look like two black rectangulars in every single level so the one is the enter point in the level and the other one is the escaping point, or the place which automatically passes you to the other level. Let's start this challenge right now and the purpose is to reach as far as it is possible, moving with the arrow keys and jumping with the Z key, all over the game screen, above the borders and different obstacles, all of them meant to stop you from passing the levels. There are some points which open you different paths so touch them too for activating them so let's start this challenge right now. Pay close attention to the details and finally, you are ready to feel the real adventure from the Simon's Laboratory! Be next to your purple square during the whole action and never let it down so if you failed, you could press R for restarting the whole level!

How to play?

Use the arrow keys, Z key

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