Sarvente, Selever, and Ruv are teaming up on the song known as Triple Trouble, because if individually they could not beat BF, they are hoping that maybe they can together, but just like in the original Mid Fight Masses, we are sure that you and the protagonist will once again come out on top! Good luck!
As the song will progress when your turn comes to sing you will see arrow symbols matching above BF's head, a moment when you have to press the identical arrow keys to hit the notes right, and if you keep at it until the song concludes, you will become the winner.
Be careful not to miss doing that multiple times in a row, or you lose and have to start again from scratch. Good luck and all the best we wish you all!
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
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