Bomb The Bridge

Bomb The Bridge

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Bomb The Bridge
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Bomb The Bridge Overview


Bomb The Bridge is one heck of a combination between war games and puzzle games, having soldiers, tanks, the military, and all of that in it, with a really interesting premise that revolves around your logic and strategic decisions.

Bombing a bridge is quite a popular tactic of war because it cuts off access for enemy troops and ruins their logistics, and this is what you try achieving in all the levels of this game, whose gameplay we will now explain!

Bomb The Bridge and win the war!

Twelve levels are given to you in total, and for each of them, you can win from one to three stars, depending on your performance. With the mouse you will plant bombs along the bridge where you see fit, wait for enemy troops to go on it, and then set them off. Eliminating all enemy soldiers grants you victory.

If you blow up the bridge too soon or too late, some soldiers might escape, and that will not grant you 3/3 stars, so focus not to let that happen, and improve your timing and strategy one level after another. We wish you all the best, and definitely invite you to stick around, more awesome games are still on their way, only for you!

How to play?

Use the mouse.

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