Friday Night Funkin’ VS Sonic.ERR 1.8
FNF vs Sonic.ERR has gotten the 1.8 update, which we are now very happy to share with you all on our website for free, as we've got plenty more songs for you to enjoy, which we are positive you will, otherwise we would not have been sharing the game with you in the first place, don't you think? The tracklist is as follows:
- Extinction
- No Salvation
- Skin Walker
- Demonical Massacre
- The Lights of Death
- Cold Breath
- The Fire Awaits
- Excoriating Pain
- Bloodshed Night
- Dread Roses
- Ola Sonic
Try the FNF Sonic.ERR 1.8 update right now!
After making your choice between playing in the story mode or free play mode, you need to give your best towards reaching the end of the songs, something you do by hitting notes according to the charts until the end of the song.
To do it, press arrow keys at the same time as the identical arrow keys match above the character to the right, while being careful not to miss too many notes in a row, because if your health bar ends up depleting, you lose and need to start all over again from scratch. Good luck, enjoy!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
- Dark_The_Player01: Director/Artist/Charter and Musician 1
- ElJoseMiPro: Programmer
- Eydan02: Icon Artist
- Braian: Programmer 2 Nop lol
- Lilith: Logo Artist
- DrawPant: Animator
- dinolol: Made the Psyche folder Port
- Download from GB
Original Friday Night Funkin' Game developed by:
- ninjamuffin99
- PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
- Kawai Sprite
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
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