FNF vs Felix The Cat
Felix the Cat from FNF thinks it can beat Boyfriend in a rhythm battle, but the cat does not know that you are here to help the blue-haired protagonist win all the battles he takes part in no matter the antagonist, so come do that once more right now, when you play this game that features the following tracks:
- Downstreet Cat
Let's defeat FNF's Felix the Cat back into the silent film era!
As the song progresses, when you see arrow symbols floating and matching above BF's head, press the identical arrow keys from your keyboard, and keep on doing it until the conclusion of the song to win. That is how you keep hitting notes, but know that missing to do that multiple times in a row leads to you losing and having to start again from scratch. Enjoy!
Mod Credits:
- JJ2COOL: did the codes
- Irjay: Did the Background Art::::0xFF234A
- MeaMeaNo: Did the dialogue Sprites
- foresttunic: Did the thumbnail and menu background
- PB#3755: Helped with music
- Chocolatta621: Made the song (Downstreet-Cat)
- Luckyy: Charted 2nd half of Downstreet-Cat
- Speedbattle: Charted 1st half of Downstreet-Cat
- Download from GB
Original Credits:
- ninjamuffin99
- PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
- Kawai Sprite
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
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