Mario 64 is Personalized but is FNF Mod
Mario 64 returns to the world of FNF games with a brand new Personalized mod, this being the second one, but this one has an even bigger tracklist (5 songs), all different from the previous one, so you should really not miss out on the chance to play this game for anything in the world. Here is the tracklist:
Try the new Mario 64 is Personalized FNF mod!
Whether you face this new version of Mario in the story mode or free play mode, to win you have to do the same thing, which is hit your notes according to the charts until the song concludes. This means pressing arrow keys at the same time as the identical arrow symbols match above your character.
Be careful not to miss hitting said notes multiple times in a row, since that leads to you losing and having to start all over again from scratch. Good luck and all the best we wish you all, as per usual!
Mod Credits:
- TheLimbless: Main Developer
- SuperCoolMario: Play Tester
- HeyAllWaterHere: Play Tester
- Gdoukay: Play Tester
- Pixel: Play Tester
- Kaiden: Helped me with FL Studio, without him this mod wouldn’t be out today
- Download from GB
Original Credits:
- ninjamuffin99
- PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
- Kawai Sprite
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.
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