Super Adventure Pals is an adventure game with RPG elements, inspired by Adventure Time Games with Finn and Jake, which can be quite obvious from the design of the world and its characters, but, at the same time, it will be something quite different from the cartoon world you already know, so you have quite a lot of reasons not to miss out on this game for anything in the world!
Help the protagonist and his giraffe friend defeat Mr. B, the villain of this game, because he has taken away his pet rock. The game is a platform-adventure one, meaning that you have to avoid falling into pits and traps, defeat monsters and minions along the way, while collecting new power-ups, and weapons to use in your adventures.
To acquire these items from the shops, make sure to collect as many diamonds along the way as you can, and always upgrade what you have because bigger threats are coming.
Use WASD and the ARROWS alternatively for moving and using your abilities, and you are granted a choice about which set of keys you want to use for what kind of activity. It's quite simple, as you can see, and a whole new world is about to open up to you, something we hope that you will let happen right now! Enjoy!
How to play?
Use WASD and the ARROWS.
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