Aracane Weapon is a great fighting game, which you can play in two different modes, the story mode or the survival one. Firstly, you should know that it is so important for you to use the mouse in this fighting ability game, in order to select the abilities and spells you will do with your special shadow character, in order to fight the other opponents, which are, of course, much bigger than you. Let's start it right now and pay attention to the health pack, in the top left side of the game screen, where there is shown to you yours one. Start killing robot opponents one by one in this incredible task and do not forget that in the bottom side of the game screen, there is a list with spells you can make, in order to hit your opponent. All of them are powerful and dangerous, so make sure that you will wait for reloading them, after each hit. Also, dodge and avoid the spells attack coming from your opponent so activate your shield, in the right moment only. Go for it right now and pay close attention to the details in order to do not get distracted or surprised so do it now!
How to play?
Use the mouse
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