Commando 2 is the sequel to the highly popular Commando Rush game from our website, a series that aims to put the magic back in side-scroller run and gun games online, so if you are big fans of classic action-adventure games with shooting that have military theme, you're in for a treat, as the original and even more this sequel delivers on all the craziness and fun, and we're now going to introduce you to this Miniclip classic and show you how to win!
For starters, choose the name of your hero, and know that you can become both a male or a female soldier, as everyone can be represented when it comes to these guns games. Begin with the first mission, and as you complete them one after another, use your earnings to add new weapons and skills to your inventory, because you will get hired for harder missions the more you play. You control your avatar like this:
Moving, jumping, and crouching is done with WASD.
Aim and shoot with the mouse.
Use Q and E to change weapons.
As you advance through enemy territory, you will meet the enemy soldiers, and you have to shoot them up to kill them, doing so until you clear out the whole area, while being careful not to get shot yourselves, as you die if your health bar gets empty.
Hide behind vehicles, bags, or houses when you're being shot at to avoid getting hit.
The vehicles, houses, bases, tanks, and other military strategic points for your enemies are also fair game, so shoot them up and destroy them as well, since they offer ammo upgrades, and health power-ups, and you get to steal new weapons for yourselves after taking them down!
In addition to guns, equip yourselves with bombs and grenades to throw, but also melee weapons like swords and knives, alternating their use to not run out of firepower, and to eliminate the threat faster.
How to play?
Use WASD for movements, the mouse for shooting, and Q-E to change weapons.
Tips & Tricks
Game Walkthrough
Video Game Preview
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