Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure is the retro video game that will now have Goku, its normal protagonist, replaced by another iconic character in media, none other than Sonic, who really loves the chance of having adventures in a brand new world, setting, and we're positive that you will also love having fun with him using totally different mechanics than you are used to!
Use the arrow keys to run or fly, if you are on the Nimbus, Goku's magic cloud that transports him everywhere, use space to jump or select items, X to punch, S for the super attack, when you have the energy required for it.
Advance through each location from each level by defeating all the enemies in your path, just like the anime protagonist would, while also avoiding any kinds of traps and obstacles that might be put in your way by the forces of evil.
It's not daily that you get to punch, kick, and fight with Sonic, who is more about running, which is precisely why we're positive you will really enjoy it, so start right now!
How to play?
Use the arrows, space, Z, X keys.
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