The continuation of the Age of War reaches its 7th part, Epic War: War of Heroes. Known by many people as Age of War 7, it takes us to a world full of knights, heroes, and perfect fighters. You must defend your castle from warriors, warlocks, and other monsters. Gain points and keep your village safe.
At the beginning of the game, you will have to choose a hero:
Each of these heroes has a set of skills. Choose wisely; there will be situations where you will need them. When you are ready, attack a territory. After the fight is over, you will be able to end the round.
This time, it will be the turn of the enemies. Expect surprise attacks, and always be up-to-date with upgrades. Raise as big an army as possible, and show us why you are the main character.
How to play?
Use the MOUSE to play.
Tips & Tricks
After each round, make your upgrades.
Author: Kongregate
Leads Project: Rudy Sudarto
Programmer: Ferry Sugiarto
Illustrator: Firmansyah
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