Red Ball 7 continues the adventures of this iconic and original video game character from the world of browser gaming, our team has created a whole page dedicated just to games based around it, and we're sure that you will love this seventh edition just as much as you loved the previous ones, which had been real hits as well!
To win each level you need to find the five diamonds in them while being careful not to get defeated by enemies, killed by traps, or stopped in your tracks by obstacles. Use the left and right arrows to move, J to jump and double jump, W to switch weapons, and the mouse to fire.
Along with the courses of each level, don't hesitate to grab extra lives, power-ups, more health, and weapons, they will all be very useful in your adventures. Also, grab as many coins as you can to increase the loot counter. Good luck and all the best we are wishing you all, and we hope that this is far from the final game in the category you try out!
How to play?
Use the arrows, J key, space, mouse.
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