There are very few places where you can now play Mini Beat Power Rockers Games online, but one of them is our website, proving once more why here you will always be able to find simply the best new games on the internet based around cartoon shows world-wide, and we mean it when we say it, as this series, a CG one with a musical theme airs primarily in Latin-America, but just like music, the games based on the series transcend language barriers, and can be enjoyed here by anyone and everyone! Don't believe us? Get more details about this world right now, so you can then start playing what we have to offer right away!
Four bouncing babies, of which one is a robot, are not only really good friends with one another, but because they can all play instruments and sing, have formed a band, and they aim to become the best band in the world. Fuz, Wat, Myo, and Carlos are their names, and when their parents are not home to supervise them, the kids get rocking!
They must do that while their babysitter does not catch them, since he is not a really big fan of it, and would want to stop them whenever he could.
Well, if you're here, instead of stopping them from playing music, you will instead play games with Mini Beat Power Rockers online, and get to become a musician yourself, becoming better at rhythm, and melody, and going through multiple genres of music, since all of it is good!
Decorate with stickers from the world of music, use your inner rhythm to paint, search for Dolores in an adventure like none other before it, let the music go out of control, complete musical challenges, play with musical crystals, and you can even become pirates or go on an adventure through a pyramid!
Yes, this is a category way bigger and more diverse than you might expect at the start, which is precisely why we are eager to invite you over and see what it is all about, as you are not going to regret it for anything in the world, after which we hope to see you check out even more of our categories, we have the best on the internet, and you don't want to miss them, believe us!