Pokemon Wings of Chaos
Pokemon Wings of Chaos is a new must-play ROM-HACK from Pokemon Games, a popular fan-made edition of your favorite RPG-adventure games!
How to play Pokemon Wings of Chaos Online
- Move with the ARROWS;
- Interact with Z;
This is a mod of Pokemon Emerald with a new story, characters, world, and new collection of Pokemon to catch!
Choose whether you are a boy or a girl, enter your name, and then choose a starter Pokemon from the 3 available choices given by the professor.
Then, begin your adventure in the region of Marya, where you get to explore 3 islands:
- Oranna
- Lumine
- Minerva
Defeat trainers, level up your monsters, challenge and beat Gym Leaders, complete the Pokedex, and defeat the villains hiding in the shadows!
Turn-based combat system!
Fight wild Pokemon, or the Trainers in turn-based monster fights with the pocket monsters of your choosing. You and the opponent go in turns.
- pick the best moves to deal damage on your opponent;
- deplete their health bar first to win;
- if they do it to you first, you lose;
- use potions to replenish health;
- change Pokemon from your inventory if needed;
Catch them all!
When fighting wild Pokemon, if they are weak enough, you can throw Pokeballs at them to catch them and add them to your roster.
Make a powerful team of varied Pokemon, so that you can face anyone, and defeat the Gym Leaders.
Try to encounter all the Pokemon in the region so that you can complete the Pokedex!
Evolve to win!
Your Pokemon get XP points after each battle. When they level up, their moves get stronger. They also receive new moves.
- when Pokemon have leveled up to certain thresholds, they can evolve into new versions of themselves;
- try to get all the evolutions of a Pokemon;
Benefits of the game:
- turn-based fighting games improve strategy-thinking;
- RPG-adventure games improve decision-making skills;
- adventure games develop diligence;
How to play?
Use the ARROWS, Z.
- lordraindance – General Scripting, Maps, Features
- poetahto – General Scripting, Maps, Graphics, Music (soonTM)
- ressykins – Story, Maps, Scripting
- ghoulslash – many
- AsparagusEduardo – many
- ShinyDragonHunter – DNS system
- PokemonSanFran – quest menu
- TheXaman – many
- Pawkkie – Team Aqua Hideout resources
- grunt-lucas – porytiles
- Archie5000 – youtube
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